
A Web Appliction designed to help bootcamp students thrive.

Coding Bootcamp Final Project

Create both a resource library and hub where coding bootcamp students could find and collaborate on development projects, and socialize and share within their school and cohort.

Sourcery began as my final group project of my coding
bootcamp. We were searching for a way to share, save, and
filter through vast amounts of coding resources. Our project
was verion 1.0, called Resource Roundup.
After graduating I decided to continue developing this project and created version 2.0, SOURCERY. I learned to use open-source code, an was able to build and extensive application that not only served as a resource library, but a Github powered bootcamp project hub.

The features were designed to serve students both during their bootcamp and post graduation.

Users can create unlimited resources, then filter through their cohorts library and save or like whatever meets their needs. Users also create projects, and set up teams. Projects have specialty member blocks, so teammates have private chats and administrative features in their view. Public, non team members can still view all project ideas, request to join, and share their thoughts and views.


Extra attention to detail development

Our team struggled with v1.0. We weren’t able to deploy the site, and didn’t build any features beyond our MVP. In developing v2.0, I grew grit and skills as a developer. From design and mockups, to never-ending back-end code; I am incredibly proud of my work.

Every element made with love

Every element made with love